Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Collect Your Own Water

I am inspired to start building my own version of this. I Think that what falls on your roof should be collected locally rather than using fossil fuels to bring it to you via your water service.. Also if done high enough up a hill this has the potential of creating small amounts of power if run by a generator on the trip to the hose.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Designer Recycler

I thought I would point out a few artistic ways to recycle. Even though you may not want to go the full hog and live in a trash palace. You can still be part of a culture of recycling . Check some of these wonderful and serious attempts to reuse refuse.

Mike is Right

I know I have posted that I don't like the hobbit house design of earthships but I love their concept. If we can take waste and use it as an asset that builds brighter futures instead of letting it pollute the world, then we should!. Mike I applaud you your family and your followers. Keep it up you will change the world for most of us.